HE 3.0\PlugIns\PD.3.exe a device attached..... +missing SHLWAPI.DLL:SHRegGetUSValue A
(too old to reply)
2005-08-26 17:10:39 UTC
I recently had to reformat my disk and have reloaded Adobe Photo DeLuxe 3.0. I am using Windows '98 and I.E. 6.0.
When I try to open the program I receive the following error messages:

1.) PhotoDeLuxe HE 3.0\PlugIns\PD.3.exe a device attached to the system is not functioning.

2.)The SHELL32.DLL file is linked to missing export SHLWAPI.DLL:SHRegGetUSValue A.

I can't find the references I found last week, which said to replace two files. I found the SHLWAPI>DLL file in Windows and copied it into the PhotoDeLuxe folder. The window asked if I wanted to replace the one already there and I clicked yes. But I still get the error message when I try to open the program.

I found the Urlmon.dll file and tried to copy it. It seemed to work but was not there when I checked back later.
2005-08-28 20:28:32 UTC
Go to this discussion. Look for the mesage from BobHill.
http://snipurl.com/h9yo shortened version of

Hope this helps,
Post by D***@adobeforums.com
I recently had to reformat my disk and have reloaded Adobe Photo DeLuxe
3.0. I am using Windows '98 and I.E. 6.0.
Post by D***@adobeforums.com
1.) PhotoDeLuxe HE 3.0\PlugIns\PD.3.exe a device attached to the system is not functioning.
2.)The SHELL32.DLL file is linked to missing export
Post by D***@adobeforums.com
I can't find the references I found last week, which said to replace two
files. I found the SHLWAPI>DLL file in Windows and copied it into the
PhotoDeLuxe folder. The window asked if I wanted to replace the one already
there and I clicked yes. But I still get the error message when I try to
open the program.
Post by D***@adobeforums.com
I found the Urlmon.dll file and tried to copy it. It seemed to work but
was not there when I checked back later.
